Sustainability Report
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Sustainable Procurement

At Himadri, our sustainable procurement policy focuses on sourcing suppliers who align with our ethical standards and values. We prioritise suppliers who focus on fair labor practices, uphold human rights, promote circular economy and ensure ethical sourcing. Additionally, we strive to build long-term partnerships with suppliers that share our commitment to social responsibility and ethical business practices.


Our 4 Principles

Human Rights


We ensure that our suppliers do not engage in any form of forced labor or child labor. We also conduct regular audits to monitor their compliance with human right standards. We also prioritise suppliers who provide a safe working environment that maintains the employees' physical health and mental well-being, ensure equal opportunities and non-discrimination in all matters and remunerate employees commensurate with their skills and experience.


Fair Labor Practices

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It is important to ensure that participation in entertainment and extension of hospitality should always be within reasonable limits and should not compromise ethical standards or create conflicts of interest. At Himadri, we have established clear guidelines and policies regarding the acceptable level of entertainment and hospitality expenses to ensure transparency and accountability in our business practices.

Environment and Circular Economy

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The raw materials we use are by-products of other industries. Thus, circular economy is embedded in our value chain. We also encourage circular economy practices by recycling, reusing and repurposing materials to minimise waste generation. We are committed to lowering our Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and waste generation. We also ensure zero liquid discharge at our facility. Additionally, promoting sustainable production practices and encouraging the use of renewable resources enable us to further contribute to preventing accidental pollution.

In our Sustainability Report, we have disclosed our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Notably, the latest review conducted by us revealed that our progress has been far ahead of schedule.

In the years ahead, we anticipate that our suppliers and partners will adhere to our sustainability objectives.

Ethical Sourcing


At Himadri, environmental stewardship is very important to us. We focus on conducting thorough supplier audits and assessments, ensuring that all suppliers adhere to our ethical standards.

As a corporate entity, we value the contribution of our suppliers and vendors and we follow sustainable process excellence. Our dedicated team of engineers and managers handhold vendors and suppliers in their sustainable journey. We help them understand our processes and align with our sustainability commitments through a number of trainings held at our plant.

We have a detailed Code of Conduct (CoC) that all our vendors and suppliers must follow. We also train our vendors and suppliers to help them comply with our terms of service. As a responsible corporate entity, we execute projects to enable our vendors' sustainability journeys. For instance, we facilitate their transition into leaner manufacturing processes and more. This further streamlines our sustainability roadmap.